<AWT Dev> 8252015: Enhancement TrayIcon for macOS 11.0

Tres Finocchiaro tres.finocchiaro at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 17:17:54 UTC 2020

> 2. Investigate if win32 provides a similar API prior to creating a PR

Although Windows offers a way to detect lightmode/darkmode of the taskbar
through the registry <https://stackoverflow.com/a/61148435/3196753>, I
can't yet find any API documentation on the OS drawing the TrayIcon area
using a mask/template.


For this reason, the PR will be a macOS-only feature.  Crawling the Qt
source, they too seem to provide this mask/template flag for macOS
<https://github.com/qt/qtbase/search?q=ismask&unscoped_q=ismask> only
despite exposing the API to all platforms.

Assuming that's the best we can do, we'll target macOS only in the PR and
we'll target the JDK project version that's recommended by this team.
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