<AWT Dev> RFR: 8262731: [macOS] Exception from "Printable.print" is swallowed during "PrinterJob.print" [v2]

Anton Litvinov alitvinov at openjdk.java.net
Fri May 21 20:28:58 UTC 2021

On Fri, 21 May 2021 20:16:41 GMT, Anton Litvinov <alitvinov at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Hello,
>> Could you please review the following fix for the bug specific to macOS. The bug consists in the fact that if the method "java.awt.print.Printable.print​(Graphics, PageFormat, int)" throws "java.awt.print.PrinterException" or "java.lang.RuntimeException" during the call "java.awt.print.PrinterJob.print()", then the exception is caught and ignored by JDK and a user cannot learn that printing failed and what caused failure of printing, because "PrinterJob.print()" method does not throw "PrinterException" or the occurred exception is not reported by JDK through the error stream.
>> The root cause of the bug is the fact that in the method "sun.lwawt.macosx.CPrinterJob.printAndGetPageFormatArea(final Printable, final Graphics, final PageFormat, final int)" from the file "src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/sun/lwawt/macosx/CPrinterJob.java" the exception thrown during execution of the expression
>> "int pageResult = printable.print(graphics, pageFormat, pageIndex);"
>> is caught but is not returned to a developer by any mean or is not printed out to the error stream.
>> The fix implements propagation of the occurred and caught exception to the level of the user's code executing "PrinterJob.print()" method. Propagation of the exception by storing it in the instance variable of "CPrinterJob" object is implemented, because the engaged code always is executed:
>> - on 2 threads (non-EDT thread, EDT thread) in case when "PrinterJob.print()" is called by the user on a non-EDT thread;
>> - on 3 threads (2 EDT threads, a temporary thread started by JDK to execute "CPrinterJob._safePrintLoop(long, long );") when "PrinterJob.print()" is called on EDT thread.
>> The regression test which is part of the fix was also successfully executed on MS Windows OS and Linux OS.
>> Thank you,
>> Anton
> Anton Litvinov has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>   Second version of the fix

Hello Phil,

I have uploaded the 2nd version of the fix, which addresses your remarks. Could you please review it, also I provided answers to all your comments. Changes in the 2nd version of the fix are following:

1. The created atomic reference object now stores "Throwable" instance instead of "Exception", the variable itself is renamed to "printErrorRef".
2. The method "setLastPrintEx" introduced by the 1st version of the fix is completely removed.
3. "catch" blocks in the method "CPrinterJob.printAndGetPageFormatArea" now catches "Throwable" instead of "Exception".
4. The regression test now tests also "RuntimeException" on EDT and on the main thread.
5. The regression test now does not show any JDK print dialog.

Thank you,


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4036

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