Power PC Build

Eric Richardson ekrichardson at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 16:54:48 PST 2008

Hi Michael,

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Michael Franz <mvfranz at gmail.com> wrote:

> Eric,
> I have looked at compiling IcedTea for OS X prior to the BSD port being
> public.  I was not successful.  I use Macports and had some of the necessary
> dependencies added to it (eclipse-ecj).  I also only have Intel macs so I
> can use the OpenJDK BSD port to bootstrap.

Thanks for this MacPorts tip as this helped me past my eclipse-ecj hurdle.

> I don't have my notes handy, but I was using Java 6 (at the time Apple's
> Java 6 was not complete) and had some issues with compling some classes.  I
> tried to get Red Hat's modified gcc/gcj but it would not compile.  GCC 4.3
> was not released yet, but I think it is now.  Gcc 4.3 should work as an
> alternative - no guarentees.  Will Java 5 work?  I don't know.
> I was recently looking at using the zero port in Icedtea, but never
> completed the build process either.

I read some more on the IceTea site and it looks like this should be

> I can post my configure script when I have access if you are still
> interested.
> Michael


> On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:12 AM, Eric Richardson <ekrichardson at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was looking into OpenJDK and saw the bsd-port and zero assembly project
>> and thought It might be possible build jdk6 on PowerPC.  After looking at
>> the bsd-port list I started working on setting up my environment. I have a
>> G5 based Mac. Here is what I have done so far.
>> Installed MacOSX 10.5
>> Installed XCode 3.1.2
>> Installed Fink 0.9.0
>> Installed Mercurial
>> Checked out icetea6 (hg clone http://...)
>> ./autogen.sh
>> ./configure
>> gawk not found
>> apt-get install gawk
>> checking for a GCJ JDK home directory...
>> configure: error: "A GCJ JDK home directory could not be found."
>> ./configure --with-gcj-home=/Library/Java/Home --enable-zero=yes
>> checking for eclipse-ecj.jar... no
>> configure: error: "A ECJ jar was not found."
>> Next error waiting if I fix the above.
>> checking xalan2 jar... no
>> configure: error: "A xalan2 jar was not found."
>> Before I go further, I thought I'd ask if this is going to work at all
>> using the JDK 5 that comes with MacOSX?
>> Any suggestions on how to proceed?
>> Thanks,
>> Eric
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