Unable to start process using Runtime - Solved

Michael Franz mvfranz at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 05:34:44 PST 2008


Which patch are you referring to?  I supplied two patches, one that is like
from the mailing list, and another that is completely different.  They both
solve the same problem, but the second removes a bunch of platform dependent

I found out about /dev/fd searching for darwin file descriptors and
eventually found this posting:


On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Greg Lewis <glewis at eyesbeyond.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 04:55:36PM -0400, Michael Franz wrote:
> > Martin,
> >
> > Here are the changes that work for OS X.
> FWIW, this is the patch I have locally to make it work.  This is also
> one of the three patches that we couldn't port over from the JRL port
> since we didn't have an SCA from the contributor.  I haven't approached
> Michiel Boland (who originally came up with it) about doing so, but he
> may be willing to submit an SCA.  Otherwise we'll have to wait until
> someone does this in a clean room manner (it looks like you obtained
> it from the mail archives?).
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