Building IcedTea7 Using BSD option On OS X

Andrew Haley aph at
Sat Jan 3 13:05:11 PST 2009

Andrew Haley wrote:
> Michael Franz wrote:
>> I have created the following patches that integrate shark build into the
>> bsd-port repo.  I have not been able to get it to compile, but wanted these
>> out there in case they are wrong and causing my problem.
>> I am currently stuck on this error:
> Shark on x86 isn't really ready yet.  I've been debugging it and it's
> starting to look OK, but it's not stable.

Actually, I've been working on x86_64.  AFAIAA *nobody* has worked on
x86.  To be honest, I don't really know why you'd want to: the x86
Hotspot JIT is very good.


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