Problem Compiling Java

Eric Richardson ekrichardson at
Thu Jan 8 09:17:20 PST 2009


On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 4:45 AM, Andrew John Hughes <
gnu_andrew at> wrote:

> 2009/1/8 Eric Richardson <ekrichardson at>:
> > Hello,
> >
> >I know that the BSD stuff is in Icedtea7 but since I am trying
> >to compile with the Apple jdk5 java and am waiting for icedtea7 to remove
> >the --with-libgcj-jar as I can't get past the ./configure step with
> icetea7.
> >Since this is removed in icedtea6 I can get past ./configure but it
> ignores
> >the --with-project=bsd.
> You won't get very far without BSD support I presume.  We should look
> at supporting the necessary BSD changes in IcedTea directly as a
> separate 7 tree is impractical for any real use.
> You shouldn't need the libgcj-jar support removing.  Just specify the
> extra option, pointing to your rt.jar.

I guess I misunderstood your post about the JRE structure. I was pointing to
the rt.jar previously but thought this was wrong. I did create the JRE
structure so if the changes you made in icedtea6 rely on the standard layout
then it works.  I will try the icetea7 again with these suggestions.


> --
> Andrew :-)
> Support Free Java!
> Contribute to GNU Classpath and the OpenJDK
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