Building IcedTea7 Using BSD option On OS X

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Sat Jan 10 16:52:52 PST 2009

2009/1/10 Christian Thalinger <christian.thalinger at>:
> On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 18:51 -0500, Michael Franz wrote:
>> Christian,
>> I have had some success using Cacao.  The instructions you pointed me
>> too seem out of date and seem be part of some other discussion (I feel
>> like I am starting in the middle of something when I read them).
> Starting in the middle?  Well, the instructions for GNU Classpath are
> missing.  Anything else?
>> the --with-cacao is not a valid options, but --enable-cacao is (I am
>> using icedtea7).
> You're right.  Andrew changed that.  I'll update the wiki.
>> I will spend some more time trying to figure out what is possible, and
>> hopefully be able to build with cacao.
> - Christian

Yes I changed it because the convention is that --enable-x turns on
and off build options (--disable-x is equivalent to --enable-x=no)
while --with-x is used for build dependencies and can also take a
value such as --with-x=y.  The cacao option was simply a switch to
flick on the CACAO/OpenJDK option and wouldn't handle something like
--with-cacao=y.  We should merge --with-icedtea/--with-icedtea-home
and --with-openjdk/--with-openjdk-home into one for similar reasons.
Andrew :-)

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