jdk: Path corrections (utils & cups)

Kurt Miller kurt at intricatesoftware.com
Wed Jan 14 09:10:51 PST 2009

Hi Greg,

Greg Lewis wrote:
>> +  TRUE         = $(UTILS_USR_BIN_PATH)true
>> +  UNAME        = $(UTILS_USR_BIN_PATH)uname
>> +  # BSD OS_VENDOR specific
>> +  ifeq ($(OS_VENDOR), Apple)
>> +    NAWK       = $(UTILS_USR_BIN_PATH)awk
>> +    UNZIP      = $(UTILS_USR_BIN_PATH)unzip
> NAWK and UNZIP for Apple are the same as the default, so they don't need
> to be overridden.

OS X doesn't have nawk but instead just awk. You are
correct about UNZIP, I missed the path was default.

>> +    UNZIPSFX   = $(UTILS_USR_BIN_PATH)unzipsfx
>> +    ZIP        = $(UTILS_USR_BIN_PATH)zip
> This should be ZIPEXE based on the default variables.

Yes. Good catch, thank you.

>> +  else
>> +    UNZIP      = $(UTILS_DEVTOOL_PATH)unzip
>> +  endif
>> +  ifneq ($(OS_VENDOR), OpenBSD)
>> +    CPIO       = $(UTILS_USR_BIN_PATH)cpio
>> +    TAR        = $(UTILS_USR_BIN_PATH)tar
>> +  endif
>>  endif

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