Missing binary files in build?

Kurt Miller kurt at intricatesoftware.com
Wed Jan 28 08:06:08 PST 2009

Christos Zoulas wrote:
> On Jan 27, 11:11pm, glewis at eyesbeyond.com (Greg Lewis) wrote:
> -- Subject: Re: Missing binary files in build?
> | G'day Christos,
> | 
> | On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 08:16:33PM -0500, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> | > My build from 1.6 fails without the following patch. Why doesn't anyone
> | > else need it?
> | 
> | Where did you get your binary plugins from?  I'm using a set I picked up
> | from Kurt (I think!) at one point based on IcedTea.  Did you maybe just
> | pull the current Linux or Solaris ones off of the OpenJDK site?
> | 
> | If you have a different set then that likely explains the difference.
> I pulled them out of the 1.6 jdk. I think it makes sense to be able to
> build from a standard, released jdk.

Hi Christos,

If your goal is to make packages available, I'd recommend using the
IcedTea plugs under the GLP. Sun's binary plugs come with an defend
and indemnify clause (even lawsuits without basis cost quite a lot
to defend against). INAL but I doubt using 1.6 binary's in OpenJDK is
something that is allowed by the license they are released under. For
reference see this link:


Only snmp & sound are left using the binary plugs. Hopefully Sun will
finish replacing them with OpenJDK/GPL code this year. In the mean time
use this for the bsd-port:



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