Building on Mac OS X 10.5.6

Ronald Garcia garcia at
Fri Jan 30 10:48:41 PST 2009

Hi Kurt,

On Jan 29, 2009, at 8:57 PM, Kurt Miller wrote:

> We're having a bit of trouble with the bsd-port forest right now.
> I think some recent pushes to the tree have interfered with the
> OS X build but due to some repository corruption, I can't get diffs
> of the recent changes back from mercurial. Once the corruption
> is cleared we should be able to fix this up easily enough.

Good to know, thanks.

> LC_ALL=C will be needed if LC_ALL is set in the environment to
> something different.

> DEVTOOLS_PATH is the path to development tools that don't come
> installed with the base system. On OS X nothing extra is needed
> to build OpenJDK/bsd-port. For FreeBSD and OpenBSD it points to
> /usr/local/bin to get things like zip, unzip, etc. If you need
> to set it for OS X then something needs to be fixed.
> Can you show the last 50 or so lines of the build failure when
> DEVTOOLS_PATH is not set on your OS X build?

Sure.  I've attached a file containing the output of my make command  
(compilation didn't get very far before dying).


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