Trouble building on OS X

Paul Phillips paulp at
Fri May 22 11:44:41 PDT 2009

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:33:46AM -0400, Kurt Miller wrote:
> Please pull down the latest change and try again. I believe this 
> should be fixed now.

Ah, thanks much.

For your info, I had to make two additional changes to complete the 
build on OSX 10.5.7, both tweaking includes.

  In GnomeFileTypeDetector.c, move <link.h> to the linux section
  In java/util/jar/pack/main.cpp, change <sys/stdint.h> to <stdint.h>

Paul Phillips      | Where there's smoke, there's mirrors!
Imperfectionist    | 
Empiricist         | 
ha! spill, pupil   |----------* *----------

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