OpenJDK 6 Build 17

Denis Lussier lussman1 at
Sun Nov 8 19:08:43 PST 2009

I'm a newbie to the list, but, FWIW I strongly support having a bsd-port
Wiki as a dynamic/simple way to get more folks actively involved.  I'm
assuming it would let registered users post info and let the committers to
the bsd-forest edit/delete info they consider erroneous or irrelevant.

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Dalibor Topic <Dalibor.Topic at> wrote:

> Stephen Bannasch wrote:
> > But the "team" didn't appear to take him up on the offer.  I'm not
> > certain who exactly the team consists of -- which I'd go to the wiki to
> > find out if it existed ;-)
> I'm thinking of Landon (Darwin), Greg (FreeBSD), Kurt (OpenBSD), who
> commit to the bsd-port forest.
> Seriously, though - could you send a patch to the build README for
> building the current sources on Mac OS X to this list? Then someone
> could look at including into the bsd-port repository.
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
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