OpenJDK 6 Build 17

Kurt Miller kurt at
Mon Nov 9 18:33:34 PST 2009

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2009/11/10 Kurt Miller <kurt at>:
>> It would be fantastic if Sun would host a mercurial repository
>> for OpenJDK6 (i.e. bsd-port6 or the like). Is there a chance that
>> Sun could set that up for us? The lack of a central repository is
>> one of the reasons I haven't worked on OpenBSD support for OpenJDK.
> Rather than creating a new separate tree, how about we just try and
> get the necessary changes into OpenJDK6 directly?
> Then that would give a good base to move forward on getting support in 7 too.

Ahh that would be ideal, but I think we need a place to coordinate our
work. As it stands now, FreeBSD ports has a patchset and I believe
macports copied that and adjusted it for Darwin. So currently there's
two variations around. I easily could copy the FreeBSD patchset and
get OpenBSD up and running but then there would be three versions.
Getting it all together in one place seems like the logical first step
so that we don't all step on each other's changes.


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