problem when allocating port with openjdk6

Kurt Miller kurt at
Thu Dec 9 11:17:51 PST 2010

On 12/06/10 12:02, S.P.Zeidler wrote:
> Hi,
> Thus wrote Christos Zoulas (christos at
>> On Dec 6,  8:26am, glewis at (Greg Lewis) wrote:
>> -- Subject: Re: problem when allocating port with openjdk6
>> | Try adding '' to the args that are passed
>> | to the JVM on start up.
>> Yes, java seems to prefer to use IPv6 mapped addresses for IPv4.
> Has someone already bothered to find out why it doesn't work using v6?

For security the BSD's and other operating systems don't allow
IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses by default:

The most secure solution is to use one socket for IPv4 and another
for IPv6 like the Windows implementation in the JDK does. No one has
taken the time to implement that solution for bsd-port or its predecessors.


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