tracking JDK7

John Rose john.r.rose at
Mon Nov 1 01:47:43 PDT 2010

Thanks, Greg.  I'll let you know if I notice anything wrong on Mac OS.

Having the b116 version is a big help, since that javac supports the latest MH.invoke* syntax.

-- John

On Oct 31, 2010, at 6:13 PM, Greg Lewis wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:35:46PM -0700, John Rose wrote:
>> I see that the BSD port has been integrated with b105 since 8/14.
>> Meanwhile, JDK7 has now advanced to b115.
>> Is there a problem holding up the integration of the new JDK7 changes?
>> (Is there a project status page where I should be looking?  The wiki
>> looks too quiet.)
> John, sorry for the late reply.
> Rather than go through what was holding up things I've instead just done
> some merging this afternoon and am at the moment pushing an update to the
> current build.
> The big caveat is that the update is very lightly tested on FreeBSD/i386
> only.  Please test on whatever platform is most important to you (e.g.
> MacOS X) and let me know of any problems.  I'd be very happy to commit
> patches or to alternatively look into problems as time permits (which
> is one of things which tends to hold up updates).
> Also untested is the Shark build, which is now part of mainline OpenJDK.
> This will require LLVM, but should be a boon for people working on
> architectures which aren't mainstream (at least from the JDK perspective).
> -- 
> Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis at
> Eyes Beyond                         Web     :
> Information Technology              FreeBSD : glewis at

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