Licensing restrictions around distributing this port

Dr Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Tue Oct 26 07:30:11 PDT 2010

On 26 October 2010 13:29, John Yeary <johnyeary at> wrote:
> There should be no issues around licensing. I have a conference call on
> Friday to see about getting more binaries built by Oracle. Until there is
> some word, it would still be prudent for the community to post ones like you
> noted for less popular platforms.
> I was able to build x32/64 binaries for OS X, but the PPC is still a no-op.
> I tried using Shark instead of Zero, but it did not work either. I did not
> have time to search for the issue on the weekend.

The place for filling Shark & Zero issues is still

> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Christos Zoulas <christos at>
> wrote:
>> On Oct 25,  2:28pm, landonf at (Landon Fuller) wrote:
>> -- Subject: Re: Licensing restrictions around distributing this port
>> | On Oct 25, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Jonathan Hess wrote:
>> |
>> | > I remember that SoyLatte was encumbered by the some kind of JCP
>> developer license restriction. However, my understanding is that this port
>> should not be. Is that understanding correct?  Is there anything special
>> about the BSD port  that makes it license differently from the regular
>> OpenJDK's GPL2 license?
>> |
>> | The short answer is that the OpenJDK BSD-Port is fully redistributable,
>> and is licensed under the same terms as the the mainline OpenJDK (GPLv2 or
>> GPLv2+CPE).
>> |
>> |
>> | The original BSD port of Java 6 (including Mac OS X support) was based
>> on the Java Research License (JRL) sources as provided by Sun, and subject
>> to associated distribution restrictions. The project was granted a one-time
>> re-licensing to permit the merging into OpenJDK under GPLv2/GPLv2+CPE, which
>> is what's available from the BSD-Port project today.
>> I guess this means that we can put binaries up for ftp based on OpenJDK
>> BSD-Port snapshots that have not been JCK tested. Is that right?
>> I would like to be able to put up binaries for the less popular platforms
>> on NetBSD because the bootstrapping issues makes building OpenJDK very
>> difficult.
>> christos
> --
> John Yeary
> --
> "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even
> though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who
> neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight
> that knows not victory nor defeat."
> -- Theodore Roosevelt

Andrew :-)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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