OpenJDK 6 or 7 PowerPC build on OS X Leopard

MiB digital.discuss at
Sun Dec 11 11:28:32 PST 2011

11 dec 2011 19.05 Konstantin Tokarev SAID:

> 11.12.2011, 21:53, "MiB" <digital.discuss at>:
>> Is anyone working on this currently? I have a Dual 2.0 G5 with OS X
>> 10.5.8 and VM build 1.5.0_30-161. What can I do to advance the  
>> status?
>> Are there any current preparations described on how to get started?
>> Binaries I can help test?
>> M;y personal objective is to be able to run Spring Roo 1.2RC1+ on PPC
>> under jdk 1.6 or 1.7.
>> The binary builds of openjdk 7 available all seem to not work at all
>> with Spring Roo.
>> /MiB
> You can find working builds of OpenJDK 7 for Mac/PPC is here:

Yes, the latest I tried of these, openjdk7-macppc-fcs-fd- 
atomic-2011-09-12 does not work at all with Roo 1.2. See crash log:
It works however with Roo version 1.1.5 and as late as with Roo1.2m1  
(which is more or less the latest jdk1.5 compatible version).  I'm not  
sure what the differences are really except that Roo versions around  
1.2RC1 has jdk1.6 as minimum and 1.1.5 up to 1.2M1 have jdk 1.5 as a  
minimum. Which is why I now need openjdk or later for it now when  
Apples ppc jdk doesn't work anymore
> "fd" stays for "fast debug". If your software uses JNA, it will  
> probably crash.
I don't think Spring Roo uses any JNA as it's a terminal only  
application. I'd love to be able to run Springsource Tol Suite on  
openjdk6 or 7, but I'd settle for Spring Roo 1.2RC1 for now.


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