Mac OS PPC link failure

Kurt Miller kurt at
Tue Jan 4 18:56:01 PST 2011

On 01/04/11 16:52, Eric Richardson wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to compile the latest OpenJDK7 and have run into a
> problem I don't understand. Here is the last part of the compile - I
> can attach the entire log if needed. It seems that it should link the
> libjvm.dylib and then create a symbolic link but it seems to just
> create a sym link to itself - thus the "Too many levels of symbolic
> links" error. Looking at it now it seems to fail on the missing symbol
> and then create the symlinks.
> The build file in question is bsd-port/hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/vm.make
>  Any help appreciated.

Hi Eric,

I ran into this over the holidays too. I pushed the correction up
to the repository. Refresh and this should be fixed for you. Note
however, that the resulting build can not be used to bootstrap the
next zero PPC build due to issues with the change in the jdk startup
process vs DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. I was going to look into that soon but
the power cord to my PowerBook G4 15in was damaged by my dog tonight
and all have left is battery power. Hopefully the Apple store will
still have parts for this laptop.


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