problem with latest updates

Stephen Bannasch stephen.bannasch at
Tue Mar 8 11:37:12 PST 2011

At 8:18 PM +0100 3/8/11, Henri Gomez wrote:
>I applied your patches and now build fail about freetype.

The freetypecheck fails with or without John's patches for hotspot.

ERROR: FreeType version  2.3.0  or higher is required. \n Failed to build freetypecheck.  \n
Exiting because of the above error(s). \n
make: *** [post-sanity] Error 1

I don't see anything in Greg's latest merge from the Mac OS X port that would cause this problem however ... ???

I've never had the freetype  issue before -- I have v2.3.9 of FreeType installed.

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