hg: bsd-port/bsd-port/jdk: . Add the missing define and endef lines for binary_file_verification on

Henri Gomez henri.gomez at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 14:35:52 PST 2011

Ok I found the build problem on my build, I forgot to add some patches.

First one is for build under OS/X 64bits :

uname -m report as x86_64 and hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/defs.make
only knows about amd64.
It was reported some times ago (ie:

I have a patch available here,

The second patch, help us build on 32 or 64bits machine and force a 32bits VM.
It force ARCH=i586 if ARCH_DATA_MODEL is defined as 32.


I'll be happy to see these applied to bsd-port, so I could remove them
from my project :)

You're welcome

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