Rhino build support
Henri Gomez
henri.gomez at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 05:51:01 PDT 2011
The only source of information found was IcedTea 1.7 (1.14) with
1) CLOSED_SRC test removed (jdk/make/com/sun/Makefile)
-ifndef OPENJDK
- ORG_EXISTS := $(call DirExists,$(CLOSED_SRC)/share/classes/sun/org,,)
- ifneq ("$(ORG_EXISTS)", "")
- SCRIPT_SUBDIR = script
- endif
2) rhino.jar added to build (jdk/make/com/sun/script/Makefile)
3) sun.org.mozilla.javascript.internal.* moved to
4) repackaged rhino.jar copied under JRE /lib/rhino.jar
5) rhino.jar added to runtime jars (hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/os.cpp)
All of these could be done on bsd-port and macosx-port.
Did there is interest to do this in bsd-port, or macosx-port ?
If not, It will be available only on openjdk-osx-build packages (if
not licence problem occurs)
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