Rhino build support

Mark Derricutt mark at talios.com
Tue Oct 18 16:15:37 PDT 2011

One downside of not including it is that when you run "jrunscript" you get:

$ git develop* → jrunscript 
script engine for language js can not be found

Jrunscript by default looks for a "js" engine and fails.  Unfortunately, we can't just take the latest Rhino from mozilla and put it on the class path as that, AFAIK doesn't include any of the javax.scripting extensions to make it work ( I have some recollection that either mozilla wouldn't accept the patches, or Sun didn't want to submit them - I could be grossly wrong here tho).

I see mentioned often that the source of the version of rhino used by the JDK isn't available anywhere either - so knowing just what patches were made is difficult.


On 19/10/2011, at 5:22 AM, mark.reinhold at oracle.com wrote:

> Yes, license problems.  Rhino is licensed under the MPL,
> which is fundamentally incompatible with the GPL.

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