OpenJDK Zero PPC Build on OS X Leopard

Henri Gomez henri.gomez at
Thu Sep 8 05:53:42 PDT 2011


It could be nice for PPC users to get it packaged

Sad I don't have OSX PPC box available to make package built on it via
a Jenkins slave ;(

2011/9/8 Kurt Miller <kurt at>:
> On 9/8/11 4:08 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>> 08.09.2011, 05:26, "Kurt Miller":
>>>>   3) Does anybody have OpenJDK image for Mac/PPC newer than [5]? In [5] Zero is failng too much: it cannot run Java 5 application which runs fine of Apple JVM, and it cannot be used as bootstrap VM.
>>>>   [5]
>>> I have some debug builds from February here:
>> Is it capable of self-hosting?
> It was at the time and should be ok for now too. The problem with self
> bootstrapping has been caused by the langtools check for when to build
> stub files. The following change should resolve that problem:
> -Kurt

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