OpenJDK Zero PPC Build on OS X Leopard

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at
Mon Sep 12 23:42:18 PDT 2011

12.09.2011, 04:44, "Kurt Miller" <kurt at>:
> On 9/10/11 10:18 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>>  09.09.2011, 21:55, "Kurt Miller"<kurt at>:
>>>  The February builds also included some atomic operations diffs I was
>>>  working on to fix SMP. I left them out of this build because I wanted to
>>>  release a build that exactly matched the committed bsd-port.
>>>  Please try a build with the attached diff to see if that helps corrects this problem.
>>  Yes, it helps. Simple applications are running fine now.
> Thanks, that's good. Since we're still having problems, I'm not sure it
> is 100% correct yet.
>>  I've tried to launch Netbeans again. Now it went further, but that JVM crashed (log is attached):
>>  #  Internal Error (/Volumes/Development/src/java/bsd-port-hg/hotspot/src/os_cpu/bsd_zero/vm/os_bsd_zero.cpp:258), pid=33861, tid=4048646144
> This is the line where fatal() is called in the signal handler, not the
> line that caused the segfault.
>>  Crashed Thread:  12
>>  Thread 12 Crashed:
>>  0   libSystem.B.dylib              0x9526a2ac __semwait_signal_nocancel + 8
>>  1   libSystem.B.dylib              0x95269d78 nanosleep$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 + 176
>>  2   libSystem.B.dylib              0x95262fdc usleep$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 + 68
>>  3   libSystem.B.dylib              0x9527cc00 abort + 92
>>  4   libjvm.dylib                   0x0158c004 os::abort(bool) + 340
>>  5   libjvm.dylib                   0x016d8eac VMError::report_and_die() + 2748
>>  6   libjvm.dylib                   0x011c6da0 report_fatal(char const*, int, char const*) + 112
>>  7   libjvm.dylib                   0x01590700 JVM_handle_bsd_signal + 1088
> The above stack trace unwinds only to the signal handler, so I can't see
> what code caused the segfault.
>  From the log file:
> Current thread (0x00896618):  JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native,
> id=-246321152, stack(0xf1317000,0xf1517000)]
> Stack: [0xf1317000,0xf1517000],  sp=0xf1414938,  free space=1014k
> Java frames:
>   0xf15151a0: unboxed parameter[2]  = 0xf1515204
>   0xf15151a4: unboxed parameter[1]  = 0xf1515208
>   0xf15151a8: parameter[0] (JNIEnv) = 0xf1415a4c
>   0xf15151ac: parameter[1] (this)   = 0xf15151a4
>   0xf15151b0: parameter[2]          = 0xf15151a0
>   0xf15151b4: (vtable for istate)   = 0x10735a1f
>   0xf15151b8: istate->_thread       = 0x00896618
>   0xf15151bc: istate->_bcp          = 0x00000000
>   0xf15151c0: istate->_locals       = 0xf1515208
>   0xf15151c4: istate->_constants    = 0x10735f00
>   0xf15151c8: istate->_method       =
> java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Ljava/lang/String;)V
> The above appears to be calling into native function
> jdk/src/share/native/java/lang/ClassLoader.c:316
> Java_java_lang_ClassLoader_00024NativeLibrary_load().
> Do you know how to use gdb? If so, can you capture the segfault in gdb
> to see where it is crashing? If not, please reproduce with core files
> enabled and send me the output of the following commands:
> gdb <path to>/java <path to core file>
> bt

Though I know gdb, second way is more handy because Netbeans is launched by shell script :)

(gdb) bt
#0  0x95166a88 in nanosleep$UNIX2003 ()
#1  0x00005754 in ContinueInNewThread0 (continuation=0, stack_size=0, args=0xf03) at ../../../src/solaris/bin/java_md.c:1495
#2  0x000052f0 in JLI_Launch (argc=5, argv=0x100338, jargc=<value temporarily unavailable, due to optimizations>, jargv=<value temporarily unavailable, due to optimizations>, appclassc=1, appclassv=0x0, fullversion=<value temporarily unavailable, due to optimizations>, dotversion=<value temporarily unavailable, due to optimizations>, pname=0x16ce4 "java", lname=0x16cec "openjdk", javaargs=<value temporarily unavailable, due to optimizations>, cpwildcard=<value temporarily unavailable, due to optimizations>, javaw=<value temporarily unavailable, due to optimizations>, ergo=0) at ../../../src/share/bin/java.c:1913
#3  0x0000d3b4 in main (argc=<value temporarily unavailable, due to optimizations>, argv=<value temporarily unavailable, due to optimizations>) at ../../../../src/share/bin/main.c:106

Probably the wrong thing is that it went to solaris source code somehow (???).

I could try to debug further, but I don't have more time right now.


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