OpenJDK Zero PPC Build on OS X Leopard

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at
Wed Sep 14 08:50:09 PDT 2011

14.09.2011, 18:37, "Kurt Miller" <kurt at>:
> On Wednesday 14 September 2011 04:24:27 am Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>>  13.09.2011, 19:31, "Kurt Miller" <kurt at>:
>>>   On Tuesday 13 September 2011 11:18:15 am Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>>>>    13.09.2011, 18:02, "Kurt Miller" :
>>>>>    Ideally you could use my fastdebug w/atomic.diff build to generate the core and make it available to me (compressed). This would allow me to to do a more complete diagnostic on the crash.
>>>>>    The build is here:
>>>>    Seems like your host is down
>>>   Thanks. I switched it to my backup ip. It is up again now.
>>>>    I can send my core, though.
>>>   It would be better to generate the core using my build so when I debug it here everything matches exactly.
>>  Attached.
> Thank you. I downloaded it and checked it out with gdb. Unfortunately gdb can't unwind
> beyond the signal handler so I still can't see where the crash is comming from. :-(

I'm afraid breakpoint with further single-stepping is needed. Could you give a hint about reasonable place?

> Perhaps the source of the crash can be determined with an active gdb session.
> I'm building a full debug build now which should contain source line numbers. If the
> segfault is caught while gdb is attached having the full debug build will be helpful.
> I'll upload it when the build finishes.

OK, I'll try it. Maybe I'll take an opportunity to upgrade RAM before start debugging :)


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