OpenJDK Zero PPC Build on OS X Leopard

Kurt Miller kurt at
Wed Sep 14 13:42:20 PDT 2011

On Wednesday 14 September 2011 11:59:23 am Kurt Miller wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 September 2011 11:50:09 am Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> > 
> > 14.09.2011, 18:37, "Kurt Miller" <kurt at>:
> > > On Wednesday 14 September 2011 04:24:27 am Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> > >
> > >>  13.09.2011, 19:31, "Kurt Miller" <kurt at>:
> > >>>   On Tuesday 13 September 2011 11:18:15 am Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> > >>>>    13.09.2011, 18:02, "Kurt Miller" :
> > >>>>>    Ideally you could use my fastdebug w/atomic.diff build to generate the core and make it available to me (compressed). This would allow me to to do a more complete diagnostic on the crash.
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>>    The build is here:
> > >>>>    Seems like your host is down
> > >>>>
> > >>>>
> > >>>   Thanks. I switched it to my backup ip. It is up again now.
> > >>>>    I can send my core, though.
> > >>>   It would be better to generate the core using my build so when I debug it here everything matches exactly.
> > >>  Attached.
> > >
> > > Thank you. I downloaded it and checked it out with gdb. Unfortunately gdb can't unwind
> > > beyond the signal handler so I still can't see where the crash is comming from. :-(
> > 
> > I'm afraid breakpoint with further single-stepping is needed. Could you give a hint about reasonable place?
> From the hotspot.log file it appeard to be crashing in the following function:
> jdk/src/share/native/java/lang/ClassLoader.c:316
> Java_java_lang_ClassLoader_00024NativeLibrary_load()

Yes it is crashing in this function. I was able to reproduce it in gdb on my G4 single processor.

Java_java_lang_ClassLoader_00024NativeLibrary_load gets called.

(gdb) p cname
$1 = 0x37853330 "/private/var/tmp/jna702102506712993250.tmp"

330         handle = JVM_LoadLibrary(cname);

returns a good handle and crashes on this line:

345                 jniVersion = (*JNI_OnLoad)(jvm, NULL);

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000000
0x00000000 in ?? ()

The library it loaded is a universal binary:

kurt-millers-powerbook-g4-56:jdk truk$ file /private/var/tmp/jna702102506712993250.tmp
/private/var/tmp/jna702102506712993250.tmp: Mach-O universal binary with 3 architectures
/private/var/tmp/jna702102506712993250.tmp (for architecture ppc7400):  Mach-O dynamically linked shared library ppc
/private/var/tmp/jna702102506712993250.tmp (for architecture i386):     Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386
/private/var/tmp/jna702102506712993250.tmp (for architecture x86_64):   Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64

This file comes from netbeans:

jar -xf netbeans/platform/modules/ext/jna-3.2.7.jar com/sun/jna/darwin/libjnidispatch.jnilib

kurt-millers-powerbook-g4-56:netbeans truk$ md5 com/sun/jna/darwin/libjnidispatch.jnilib
MD5 (com/sun/jna/darwin/libjnidispatch.jnilib) = 9dc88187671967d15c7ab13600e18b96
kurt-millers-powerbook-g4-56:netbeans truk$ md5 /private/var/tmp/jna702102506712993250.tmp
MD5 (/private/var/tmp/jna702102506712993250.tmp) = 9dc88187671967d15c7ab13600e18b96

The exact spot where it crashes is JNI_OnLoad+72 in the copy of com/sun/jna/darwin/libjnidispatch.jnilib
from netbeans/platform/modules/ext/jna-3.2.7.jar.

See below for registers and disassembly:

(gdb) info reg
r0             0x0      0
r1             0xf1214350       4045488976
r2             0x17fc9b4        25151924
r3             0x17d9f68        25010024
r4             0xf1214388       4045489032
r5             0x10004  65540
r6             0xffffffff       4294967295
r7             0x0      0
r8             0x0      0
r9             0xf1214464       4045489252
r10            0x10016cc        16783052
r11            0x17e9750        25073488
r12            0x0      0
r13            0x0      0
r14            0x0      0
r15            0x0      0
r16            0x0      0
r17            0x0      0
r18            0x0      0
r19            0x0      0
r20            0x0      0
r21            0x0      0
r22            0x0      0
r23            0x0      0
r24            0x0      0
r25            0xa0b16e44       2695982660
r26            0x17d9f68        25010024
r27            0x15d34d8        22885592
r28            0xf12145d0       4045489616
r29            0xf1214388       4045489032
r30            0xf1214350       4045488976
r31            0x36fe44e8       922633448
pc             0x0      0
ps             0xd030   53296
cr             0x22000224       570425892
lr             0x36fe451c       922633500
ctr            0x0      0
xer            0x0      0
mq             0x0      0
fpscr          0x82004000       2181054464
vscr           0x10000  65536
vrsave         0x0      0
(gdb) x/20i 0x36fe44d0
0x36fe44d0 <JNI_OnLoad>:        mfcr    r2
0x36fe44d4 <JNI_OnLoad+4>:      mflr    r0
0x36fe44d8 <JNI_OnLoad+8>:      stmw    r13,-76(r1)
0x36fe44dc <JNI_OnLoad+12>:     lis     r5,1
0x36fe44e0 <JNI_OnLoad+16>:     mr      r26,r3
0x36fe44e4 <JNI_OnLoad+20>:     bcl-    20,4*cr7+so,0x36fe44e8 <JNI_OnLoad+24>
0x36fe44e8 <JNI_OnLoad+24>:     stw     r0,8(r1)
0x36fe44ec <JNI_OnLoad+28>:     ori     r5,r5,4
0x36fe44f0 <JNI_OnLoad+32>:     mflr    r31
0x36fe44f4 <JNI_OnLoad+36>:     stw     r2,4(r1)
0x36fe44f8 <JNI_OnLoad+40>:     stwu    r1,-192(r1)
0x36fe44fc <JNI_OnLoad+44>:     lwz     r2,0(r3)
0x36fe4500 <JNI_OnLoad+48>:     mr      r30,r1
0x36fe4504 <JNI_OnLoad+52>:     addi    r29,r30,56
0x36fe4508 <JNI_OnLoad+56>:     lwz     r0,40(r2)
0x36fe450c <JNI_OnLoad+60>:     mr      r4,r29
0x36fe4510 <JNI_OnLoad+64>:     mtctr   r0
0x36fe4514 <JNI_OnLoad+68>:     mr      r12,r0
0x36fe4518 <JNI_OnLoad+72>:     bctrl

At this point I'm unsure why we're failing. Anyone know PowerPC assemby well enough
to determine why the ctr register is 0x0?


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