OpenJDK Zero PPC Build on OS X Leopard

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at
Fri Sep 16 00:23:10 PDT 2011

Seems like I've found possible reason for crash: JNA uses JAWT_MacOSXDrawingSurfaceInfo struct, but we don't provide it. Unmodified JNA just fails to compile. 

Code fragment from JNA:

#elif __APPLE__
      // WARNING: the view ref is not guaranteed to be stable except during
      // component paint (see jni_md.h)
      JAWT_MacOSXDrawingSurfaceInfo* mdsi =
      if (mdsi != NULL) {
        handle = (unsigned long)mdsi->cocoaViewRef;
        if (!handle) {
          throwByName(env, EIllegalState, "Can't get Cocoa View");
      else {
        throwByName(env, EError, "Can't get OS X platform info");
      JAWT_X11DrawingSurfaceInfo* xdsi =
      if (xdsi != NULL) {
        handle = xdsi->drawable;
        if (!handle) {
          throwByName(env, EIllegalState, "Can't get Drawable");
      else {
        throwByName(env, EError, "Can't get X11 platform info");


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