Hi - is there a group of people working on OpenJDK 8 for OpenBSD?

Christos Zoulas christos at zoulas.com
Mon Apr 27 12:01:31 UTC 2015

On Apr 26,  8:50pm, kurt at intricatesoftware.com (Kurt Miller) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: Hi - is there a group of people working on OpenJDK 8 for Open

| On Sat, 2015-04-25 at 19:05 -0400, Bryan C. Everly wrote:
| > If so, I'd be willing to pitch in however I can.
| > 
| > Thanks,
| > Bryan
| Hi Bryan,
| The only regular OpenBSD OpenJDK hacker is me at the current time.
| Although I haven't started to work on jdk 8 or jdk 9 yet. The next two
| months are critical for me at work so I don't expect to have much free
| hack-time to work on it until I get past that.
| Feel free to jump in and try to build it and see how it goes.

I can try to help...


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