Troube building JDK 9 on FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE

Michael Osipov 1983-01-06 at
Sat Oct 21 22:00:22 UTC 2017

Hi folks,

I have cloned from bsd-port parent and child repos and are trying to 
build it and stumbled in to some issues.

I am on "FreeBSD mika-ion 11.1-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p1 #0: 
Wed Aug  9 11:17:49 UTC 2017 
root at  i386"

Configured with "bash ./configure --with-cups=/usr/local --enable-dtrace=no"

Build stucks for three errors:

1. printf complains about "-s" illegal option. This patch fixes the 
issue in jdk submodule:
diff -r 828469cc7455 make/copy/Copy-java.base.gmk
--- a/make/copy/Copy-java.base.gmk      Sat Oct 07 16:48:12 2017 -0700
+++ b/make/copy/Copy-java.base.gmk      Sat Oct 21 23:33:01 2017 +0200
@@ -135,23 +135,23 @@
         $(RM) $(@)
          # Now check for other permutations
          ifeq ($(call check-jvm-variant, server), true)
-         $(PRINTF) "-server KNOWN\n">>$(@)
-         $(PRINTF) "-client ALIASED_TO -server\n">>$(@)
+         $(PRINTF) -- "-server KNOWN\n">>$(@)
+         $(PRINTF) -- "-client ALIASED_TO -server\n">>$(@)
            ifeq ($(call check-jvm-variant, minimal), true)
-           $(PRINTF) "-minimal KNOWN\n">>$(@)
+           $(PRINTF) -- "-minimal KNOWN\n">>$(@)
            ifeq ($(call check-jvm-variant, client), true)
-           $(PRINTF) "-client KNOWN\n">>$(@)
-           $(PRINTF) "-server ALIASED_TO -client\n">>$(@)
+           $(PRINTF) -- "-client KNOWN\n">>$(@)
+           $(PRINTF) -- "-server ALIASED_TO -client\n">>$(@)
              ifeq ($(call check-jvm-variant, minimal), true)
-             $(PRINTF) "-minimal KNOWN\n">>$(@)
+             $(PRINTF) -- "-minimal KNOWN\n">>$(@)
              ifeq ($(call check-jvm-variant, minimal), true)
-             $(PRINTF) "-minimal KNOWN\n">>$(@)
-             $(PRINTF) "-server ALIASED_TO -minimal\n">>$(@)
-             $(PRINTF) "-client ALIASED_TO -minimal\n">>$(@)
+             $(PRINTF) -- "-minimal KNOWN\n">>$(@)
+             $(PRINTF) -- "-server ALIASED_TO -minimal\n">>$(@)
+             $(PRINTF) -- "-client ALIASED_TO -minimal\n">>$(@)
2. hotspot/make/lib/CompileLibjsig.gmk is completely missing 'bsd' as 
target OS and fails with "Unknown target OS bsd in CompileLibjsig.gmk". 
I have blindly compiled the Linux part and changed to "bsd" (just quick 
and dirty). After that it fails with zip which cannot bundle debug 
symbols. I have reconfigured with internal debug symbols and the error 
was gone. How can this be fixed to work out of the box?
3. ./hotspot/make/lib/JvmMapfile.gmk is like second: "Unknown target OS 

Help on the last two will be appreciated.


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