encumbrances update

Anthony Petrov Anthony.Petrov at Sun.COM
Thu Aug 2 07:09:48 UTC 2007


On 08/01/2007 10:58 PM Dan Fabulich wrote:
>> It is believed to build and work on all platform combinations : windows,
>> linux, solaris, 32 and 64 bit, but testing has focused on the 32 bit
>> versions.
> "believed to build"?  Has anyone yet tried doing the standard OpenJDK 
> build on Windows, following the directions described in the documentation?
> There's still no reason to believe these build scripts work until 
> somebody (anybody) says: "Yes, I did the build, just like any other 
> non-Sun employee would.  The build works for me."
I'm afraid that until someone tells us exactly: "I've got the following 
problems with builds on Windows: this, this, and this", we can't help 
you at all, can we?..

best regards,

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