Why does libdeploy link libstdc++ dynamically?

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Wed Aug 22 18:23:24 UTC 2007

I am not seeing this dependency on our jdk7 build images from older Linux releases.

I suspect that the Makefile logic that triggers static links might be
broken for some Linux systems, or more likely for gcc 4. But I'd need
more information about the system.

What version of Linux and gcc was used to build this jdk?


Petteri Räty wrote:
> Petteri Räty kirjoitti:
>> All other parts of the JDK link libstdc++ statically so it's weird that
>> libdeploy (from that I understand java web start and plugin related
>> stuff and as such still closed source) links it dynamically. This means
>> that our packages need to depend on the the old version of libstdc++.
>> betelgeuse at pena ~/bin $ qlist sun-jdk-1.7 | xargs scanelf -n | grep libstdc
>> ET_DYN libc.so.6,libstdc++.so.5,libm.so.6,libgcc_s.so.1
>> /opt/sun-jdk-
>> Regards,
>> Petteri
> No-one answered so far so putting a query again. Many users are really
> puzzled why 1.6 needs an old gcc installed when 1.5 didn't so it would
> really help to solve this issue.
> Regards,
> Petteri

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