Why does libdeploy link libstdc++ dynamically?

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Aug 23 16:21:26 UTC 2007

Wait a minute, where did you get libdeploy.so?

It's not part of the OpenJDK, at least not yet, and not that I'm aware of.


Petteri Räty wrote:
> Kelly O'Hair kirjoitti:
>> I am not seeing this dependency on our jdk7 build images from older
>> Linux releases.
>> I suspect that the Makefile logic that triggers static links might be
>> broken for some Linux systems, or more likely for gcc 4. But I'd need
>> more information about the system.
>> What version of Linux and gcc was used to build this jdk?
>> -kto
> I don't know what Sun uses to build their releases. Of course if you
> build it on your own then it uses the libstdc++ you have installed.
> Regards,
> Petteri

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