OpenJDK: LinAlg API

alexanderschunk at alexanderschunk at
Thu Aug 23 19:37:00 UTC 2007


i have written an API for linear algebra operations in Java that provides the following:

Vector2D and Vector3D operations
Matrix operations
Complex Numbers operations

You can use LinAlg classes straightforward:

Vector2D x = new Vector2D(1, 3); //create a 2D Vector with x and y components
Vectro2D y = new Vector2D(2, 3); //create another Vector

x.add(y); //add y to x per component, that is x.x + y.x, x.y + y.y
x.scalarMul(2); //scalar mulitply vector x by 2
I have had some discussions on this with Jeff Dinkins and Tom Marble. 
I have started providing a library for LinAlg you can download from my private homepage:

I know there is currently lot of work on Mercurial and some restructuring going of OpenJDK on but you can use the .jar file or sourc bundle provided above as a first "preview". 

I post this here to get some feedback and futher opinions on this.

I keep working on it so stay tune for updates.

- Alex
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