Binary Plugs Usage

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Sun Aug 26 16:33:24 UTC 2007

I cannot answer that, I am not a lawyer. Sorry. :^(


Petteri Räty wrote:
> Kelly O'Hair kirjoitti:
>> Humm..  well it's not like it was that hard to figure out, but anyone
>> using this has effectively accepted the license... ;^)
>> I'll file an RFE to see if we could make the binary plug unbundling
>> GUI-less and potentially something that could be automated.
>> Can't promise ti will happen real quick, the mercurial transition is #1
>> for me right now.
>> -kto
> Indeed but is it ok if I use the hack in the ebuild?
> Regards,
> Petteri

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