Binary plugs for non-supported platforms?

Jonathan Springer springer at
Mon Aug 27 17:00:53 UTC 2007


We have been working on an OpenJDK MIPS port, but it's difficult to produce a version that 
works fully due to the remaining missing pieces (in b18,,, and  I know that work is in progress to create open replacements for these 
pieces (and thanks for the work to remove libt2k already), but would it be possible in the 
meantime to get binary versions of these libraries, analogous to the binary plug versions 
that exist for other platforms?

We could actually do the work of building them ourselves; we'd just need a copy of the 
code with an appropriate license from Sun, or some other similar agreement.  If Sun has 
access to a Linux MIPS machine and could generate it that would be great too, of course, 
but I'm expecting not.



Jonathan Springer     |
Reservoir Labs, Inc.  |

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