Binary plugs for non-supported platforms?

Jonathan Springer springer at
Mon Aug 27 22:14:49 UTC 2007

Florian Weimer wrote:

> * Jonathan Springer:
>>We have been working on an OpenJDK MIPS port, but it's difficult to
>>produce a version that works fully due to the remaining missing pieces
>>(in b18,,, and  I know that
>>work is in progress to create open replacements for these pieces (and
>>thanks for the work to remove libt2k already), but would it be
>>possible in the meantime to get binary versions of these libraries,
>>analogous to the binary plug versions that exist for other platforms?
> Couldn't you base your work on the IcedTea effort?  It should give you
> a fairly complete variant of OpenJDK on any GCJ-supported platform,
> provided that you've successfully ported the Hotspot VM.

I wasn't aware that IcedTea had replacements for these closed libraries (listed above), 
which are referenced by some elements of the class library.  However, I just went to the 
wiki to check, and it sounds like you've stubbed out sound (libjsound, libjsoundalsa) and 
maybe reimplemented around libdcpr.  I guess I should take a closer look -- thanks for the 

One issue for use of IcedTea is that we are on Gentoo, though I see now the FAQ talks 
about how to get that to work (build a custom libgcj).  It's just a question of what is 
least painful.

I'm still interested in getting simple binaries of the originals, since that would be most 

Jonathan Springer     |
Reservoir Labs, Inc.  |

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