Build 24 promotion and the Mercurial Transition Status

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Mon Dec 3 09:01:25 UTC 2007

On 30/11/2007, Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at> wrote:
> Build 24 and the Mercurial Transition Status:
>    * We are finishing up our Mercurial dryrun this week.
>      In the next few days, all the repositories at
>      will be re-initialized, making them unrelated to the previous
> experimental ones.
>      They will contain the official starting sources, which will be the
> same sources
>      we started the dryrun with, and the same as Build 23, so don't be
> expecting
>      to see developer changes, yet.
>    * Once we have the official jdk7 repositories, we will creating
> potential Build 24
>      bits (probably on Mon or Tues), and our release engineering team will
> have these
>      bits go through some very basic testing before we officially promote
> them and
>      declare Build 24 done. The release engineering team will be creating
> some
>      mercurial tags and pushing them into the master jdk7 repositories to
> label
>      Build 24 when the promotion happens, hopefully Tues or Wed next week.
>    * Internally, we'll need a few days after that to get ourselves
> re-setup for
>      developers to start doing pushes into their team repositories for
> Build 25.
>      Since all these team areas are available at
>      everyone should start seeing the jdk7 development 'live', as it
> happens.
>    * It's not clear when the first team integration into the master jdk7
> area for
>      Build 25 will happen. We are still trying to nail down some of our
> detailed
>      procedures on how team integrations will work, and we'll probably
> adjust them
>      over time.
> -kto
Fantastic news! Good to know Sun JDK development will soon become open!
Andrew :-)

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