JDK 7 build 24 is available at the openjdk.java.net website

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Fri Dec 14 19:47:33 UTC 2007

I saw your blog entry
Thanks for posting that.

I usually do all this on a Mac, but recently needed to try it on a
windows machine.
So I had a Windows 2000 machine with cygwin and MKS installed on it,
I downloaded and installed the Mercurial bundle and it seemed to work
great from a cygwin shell window. But I was just using 'hg clone', didn't
need the forest extension yet.

I also installed the latest NetBeans 6 plus the Mercurial plugin, worked
amazingly well, but this wasn't a jdk repository.
Trick was to start up NetBeans from the cygwin shell (running
c:/program files/netbeans 6/bin/netbeans.exe) so that NetBeans was started
with the right PATH setting to find hg.


Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> Ted Neward wrote:
>> Where and how do I install the “forest extension” to Mercurial for a 
>> Windows box? (I really want to make the jump ASAP, assuming the 
>> repositories are no longer in “test” status…)
> Hi Ted,
> This is how I did it on my XP Home PC at home:
> 1) I Installed Mercurial in c:\Mercurial.
> 2) I cloned the forest repository in c:\Mercurial.
>    In a cygwin terminal:
>   cd c:/Mercurial
>   hg clone http://www.terminus.org/hg/hgforest  hgforest
> 3) Then I edited c:/Mercurial/Mercurial.ini and added the lines:
>   [extensions]
>   forest=c:/Mercurial/hgforest/forest.py
> as documented in the Mercurial Wiki.
> http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/ForestExtension
> Hope this helps,
> -- daniel
> http://blogs.sun.com/jmxetc

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