Error compiling dtrace.d on Solaris Nevada b78

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Sat Dec 29 18:15:33 UTC 2007

What version of Solaris is this? (e.g. what does uname -a say? And /etc/release?)
Solaris 8 and 9 do not have the dtrace compiler by default, and there
is no 'official' dtrace compiler available for those releases.

The jdk7 release has changed it's official Solaris build release to
Solaris 10, which should have dtrace. Although there was some issues
with dtrace in early Solaris 10 releases.
I think the Solaris 10 kernel patch that has the dtrace fixes is available from:


When using HOTSPOT_DISABLE_DTRACE_PROBES=true, you may need to start the complete
build from scratch. Try doing a 'gmake clean' first.


David Kopp wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to compile the first Mercurial source drop on an Ultra 20 
> (x64). I got gmake sanity to pass. However, when I run gmake, I 
> eventually end up with the following:
> gmake[5]: Entering directory 
> `/export/home/koppdk/working/jdk7src/build/solaris-i586/hotspot/outputdir/solaris_i486_compiler2/product' 
> Compiling dtrace.d
> /usr/sbin/dtrace  -C -I. -G -o dtrace.o -s dtrace.d \
>     ciEnv.o classLoadingService.o compileBroker.o hashtable.o java.o 
> jni.o memoryManager.o nmethod.o objectMonitor_solaris.o runtimeService.o 
> sharedRuntime.o synchronizer.o thread.o vmPSOperations.o 
> vmCMSOperations.o vmGCOperations.o  ||\
>  STATUS=$?;\
>        if [ x"$STATUS" = x"1" -a \
>       x`uname -r` = x"5.10" -a \
>       x`uname -p` = x"sparc" ]; then\
>    echo 
> "*****************************************************************";\
>    echo "* If you are building server compiler, and the error message is 
> ";\
>    echo "* \"incorrect ELF machine type...\", you have run into solaris 
> bug ";\
>    echo "* 6213962, \"dtrace -G doesn't work on sparcv8+ object files\".";\
>    echo "* Either patch/upgrade your system (>= S10u1_15), or set the ";\
>    echo "* environment variable HOTSPOT_DISABLE_DTRACE_PROBES to disable 
> ";\
>    echo "* dtrace probes for this build.";\
>    echo 
> "*****************************************************************";\
>  fi;\
>  exit $STATUS
> dtrace: failed to link script dtrace.d: an error was encountered while 
> processing vmGCOperations.o
> I  can continue past this if I set HOTSPOT_DISABLE_DTRACE_PROBES=true, 
> but then the VM won't link.
> Does anyone have any idea as to what might be wrong with vmGCOperations.o?
> Thanks,
> David

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