OpenJDK on PPC/PPC64 -- non-SUN Bootstrap JDK? Cross-compile?

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen thunderaxiom at
Thu Jul 12 05:38:51 UTC 2007

Abraham Alawi skrev  den 12-07-2007 02:12:
> Hi Folks,
> i'm trying to compile OpenJDK on POWERPC (IBM OPENPOWER).
> Has anybody managed to accomplish this yet? Does the Bootstrap JDK have
> to be SUN JDK? Is it possible to cross-compile it on x86 for PPC? Any
> useful information will be much appreciated.
I have understood that the OpenJDK does not yet contain a PowerPC 
version of HotSpot, so you will not get a suitable JVM.

IBM have a JVM for Linux on PowerPC which runs well on my iMac, and 
there are several Open Source java projects which may be available on 
your platform.


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