Got another error I don't quite understand...

Ted Neward ted at
Wed Jul 18 09:37:34 UTC 2007

The odd thing is, it goes for quite a while before it hits this error;
intuition tells me if my paths were incorrect, this should have been picked
up long before this point in the build.

Plus, "make sanity" returns everything OK. If it passes the "sanity" check,
I would assume (!) that the paths are OK.

And FWIW, a quick check again reveals that they're all in the
"/cygwin/c/..." format that the build scripts seem to demand; if the Java
tools need the traditional Win32 format (which I can believe), then perhaps
the build script needs to flip them back to C:\ format before processing?

Ted Neward
Java, .NET, XML Services
Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeroen Frijters [mailto:jeroen at]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:46 PM
> To: Ted Neward; build-dev at
> Subject: RE: Got another error I don't quite understand...
> Ted Neward wrote:
> > Somehow, in this one run of the build, it appears that the forward-
> > slashes are being turned into back-slashes:
> [...]
> >
> > \cygdrive\c\Prg\OpenJDK\BinaryPlugs\jdk1.7.0\jre\
> [...]
> > Notice that in the FileNotFoundException it reports
> > "\cygwin\c\Prg\OpenJDK\...", using backslashes instead of forward-
> > slashes. Not being any kind of Cygwin expert (or even journeyman), I'm
> > not sure if this is just how Java is reporting the exception (which I
> > doubt), or if there is some kind of translator that kicked in there to
> > reverse them, or what. The file does exist at that location, honest.
> > :-)
> I got this message too. I think it is caused by one of your
> BLAH_BLAH_WHATEVER paths being "incorrect". I too set them to
> /cygdrive/c/.../, but given this error, I'm assuming that you must set
> them to C:\...\.
> Remember that when java.exe runs, it runs in Win32, so it doesn't
> understand the cygwin paths. Like you, I don't know very much about
> cygwin, so I also don't understand what happens if you pass a path on the
> command line or in the environment in cygwin (to a Win32 executable).
> FWIW, I gave up trying to build on Windows for the time being (I'm hoping
> to let you do the hard work ;-)). It's really quite depressing how feeble
> the build process is on Windows. It took me only a few minutes to get it
> to build on Ubuntu (and I'm a Windows person).
> Regards,
> Jeroen
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