Errors in windows build?

Dan Fabulich dan at
Wed Jul 18 23:10:06 UTC 2007

Thanks for your remarks, Kelly.

I'd like to make a remark/request here.  It's clear that the Windows 
OpenJDK build didn't go through any QA, in light of the fact that it can't 
possibly succeed without t2k.lib.  In light of that, I'd say that there's 
no reason to assume that the rest of the build works as documented, 
either.  There could well be bugs in the build scripts or in the 
documentation that make it impossible to complete the build.

Would it be possible for someone at Sun (ideally a QA engineer) to grab a 
copy of the real binary plugs, add a copy of t2k.lib in the appropriate 
directory and then build OpenJDK following the directions from the README, 
(using Cygwin rather than MKS, etc.)?

What I'm looking for is for someone at Sun to say "works for me!" 
Nobody's said that yet in any e-mail that I can find, and that worries me.


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