Got another error I don't quite understand...

Ted Neward ted at
Thu Jul 19 02:33:21 UTC 2007

I'll flip them over and try again. So, just to make sure I understand
correctly, all the ALT_* paths should use C-colon-forwardslash syntax, yes?
Even though we're launching from inside a Cygwin shell?

Ted Neward
Java, .NET, XML Services
Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM [mailto:Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:51 AM
> To: Ted Neward
> Cc: 'Jeroen Frijters'; build-dev at
> Subject: Re: Got another error I don't quite understand...
> Inside Sun we have used MKS (not cygwin) for a long long time, so
> there is quite a bit of history here.
> In general, you need to try and use paths in what is called the
> "mixed" format of drive letters and the '/' character, e.g. C:/
> paths. It's extremely rare that a Windows utility you need will not accept
> the C:/ style of pathnames (NMAKE is the only one I know about).
> In general shells like sh, bash, ksh, csh, tcsh, etc. treat the \
> character as an escape character and they often disappear, so using
> the \ path in any path you give to GNU make via the command line or
> via environment variables is a often a bad idea. When you see things
> like "C:\\\\path\\\\dir" in shell scripts, they are trying to get around
> this \ problem by escaping the \ character, gets real ugly because it's
> hard
> to know how many passes the shell might make over a string.
> The cygwin paths look like /cygdrive/c/ and these aren't good to use
> either because most Windows tools including java.exe don't understand
> this path syntax. But the trick with CYGWIN is that the PATH variable
> MUST use the /cygdrive/ form because they use the ':' character as a
> path separator.
> The various tools spit out various path formats, I'd ignore that.
> Make sure all the paths you supply to GNU make and put in the ALT_*
> variables are the C:/ style path names.
> -kto
> Ted Neward wrote:
> > The odd thing is, it goes for quite a while before it hits this error;
> > intuition tells me if my paths were incorrect, this should have been
> picked
> > up long before this point in the build.
> >
> > Plus, "make sanity" returns everything OK. If it passes the "sanity"
> check,
> > I would assume (!) that the paths are OK.
> >
> > And FWIW, a quick check again reveals that they're all in the
> > "/cygwin/c/..." format that the build scripts seem to demand; if the
> Java
> > tools need the traditional Win32 format (which I can believe), then
> perhaps
> > the build script needs to flip them back to C:\ format before
> processing?
> >
> > Ted Neward
> > Java, .NET, XML Services
> > Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing
> >
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Jeroen Frijters [mailto:jeroen at]
> >> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:46 PM
> >> To: Ted Neward; build-dev at
> >> Subject: RE: Got another error I don't quite understand...
> >>
> >> Ted Neward wrote:
> >>> Somehow, in this one run of the build, it appears that the forward-
> >>> slashes are being turned into back-slashes:
> >> [...]
> >>>
> >>> \cygdrive\c\Prg\OpenJDK\BinaryPlugs\jdk1.7.0\jre\
> >> [...]
> >>> Notice that in the FileNotFoundException it reports
> >>> "\cygwin\c\Prg\OpenJDK\...", using backslashes instead of forward-
> >>> slashes. Not being any kind of Cygwin expert (or even journeyman), I'm
> >>> not sure if this is just how Java is reporting the exception (which I
> >>> doubt), or if there is some kind of translator that kicked in there to
> >>> reverse them, or what. The file does exist at that location, honest.
> >>> :-)
> >> I got this message too. I think it is caused by one of your
> >> BLAH_BLAH_WHATEVER paths being "incorrect". I too set them to
> >> /cygdrive/c/.../, but given this error, I'm assuming that you must set
> >> them to C:\...\.
> >>
> >> Remember that when java.exe runs, it runs in Win32, so it doesn't
> >> understand the cygwin paths. Like you, I don't know very much about
> >> cygwin, so I also don't understand what happens if you pass a path on
> the
> >> command line or in the environment in cygwin (to a Win32 executable).
> >>
> >> FWIW, I gave up trying to build on Windows for the time being (I'm
> hoping
> >> to let you do the hard work ;-)). It's really quite depressing how
> feeble
> >> the build process is on Windows. It took me only a few minutes to get
> it
> >> to build on Ubuntu (and I'm a Windows person).
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Jeroen
> >>
> >> No virus found in this incoming message.
> >> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> >> Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.8/904 - Release Date:
> 7/16/2007
> >> 5:42 PM
> >>
> >
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> > Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.8/904 - Release Date:
> 7/16/2007
> > 5:42 PM
> >
> >
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.8/906 - Release Date: 7/17/2007
> 6:30 PM

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