Build path has a 54/55 characters limit

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Wed May 9 19:06:22 UTC 2007

Most javac compiles in the OpenJDK build use the @ option and the java
filelists are in a separate file, so the command line length should
not be a problem. And I've never seen it a problem on any Linux
or Solaris system I've used, ever, just Windows has had this issue for me.

Can you provide more details as to where these long javac compile lines
are coming from?


Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> Another problem I've seen with OpenJDK build on Gentoo Linux AMD64 is
> with the limit of the path for the build directory.
> With a one on a million chance, the default path used by Portage
> (/var/tmp/portag/dev-java/openjdk- to
> extract the sources and then to build, is long the exact limit for that
> path.
> On x86 the path is good enough to complete the build, but as on amd64
> the name used to identify the build is "amd64", whereas on x86 is
> "i486", the single extra character there makes the build fail in a few
> calls to javac with "Argument list too long" error from execve().
> If the path is longer, there are even more calls to fail.
> At first I thought it was an use case for xargs, but the problem comes
> from execve() so it might be just impossible to solve the issue as it
> is. Maybe the link stages might be split up in intermediate files?

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