Missing t2k.lib, critical bug in Windows binary plugs

Dan Fabulich dfabulich at warpmail.net
Wed May 9 22:51:14 UTC 2007

Phil Race wrote:

> replacing T2k will take months of hard effort but that is mostly behind us so 
> its more like a few weeks
> of effort .. and some inevitable build cycle time lag.

Naturally, I have no idea how far we are along with replacing T2K with 
unencumbered code.  I assume that Sun developers are working on that in 
the Sun proprietary source control system, since the public OpenJDK svn is 
read-only, even to Sun developers, right?

If that's so, am I right in thinking that developers from the community 
(such as myself) won't be able to build a Windows OpenJDK until June, at 
the earliest?

If THAT'S so, could we perhaps at least make that clearer on the 
openjdk.java.net website?  If we're as close as you say we are to 
eliminating T2K encumberances, maybe we should just withdraw the Windows 
binary plugs from the website altogether ... it's not like anyone can use 
them until this issue gets resolved.

Maybe update the source bundle so that the Windows documentation is 
clearly deprecated.  ("THIS DOES NOT WORK YET.")  Or modify "make sanity" 
to print out an apology instead of an error message when running on 
Windows. :-)

> And its more legally complicated too .. suppose we can't reship the 
> binaries except as part of Java .. not sure of the answer to that but 
> putting out the plug directory separately means more work for legal and 
> that is a bigger bottleneck than might be apparent.

It's surprising to me that t2k.dll, t2k.pdb, and t2k.map can all ship in 
the binary plugs, but adding t2k.lib would be a big legal hassle.  Of 
course, I'm not a lawyer, but it would certainly be nice if we could get 
somebody in legal to confirm this, since, as far as I can tell, we're just 
one file away from success.  :-(


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