Building on Fedora 6

Max (Weijun) Wang Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
Fri May 11 06:50:10 UTC 2007

My 2 cents:

It's called "binary plugs", which means it's used to provide binaries  
for those components whose sources are not included in the OpenJDK  
yet. So, even today it looks like a full JDK, tomorrow you may see it  
includes only several jars and native libraries, and then one day, it  
will disappear completely.


On 2007-5-10, at 19:05, Andrew Haley wrote:

> Kelly O'Hair writes:
>> Andrew Haley wrote:
>>> Which reminds me: is there any need for JDK 1.6 in all of this?
>>> The used as the source of
>>> the "binary blobs" is a full JDK, is it not?  So it could be used
>>> as the bootstrap JDK -- there's no need for JDK 1.6.
>> Officially, we boot from the previous FCS jdk (1.6.0), unofficially,
>> jdk 1.5 or jdk 1.7 would work as a boot jdk.
>> I suppose it may become an issue later if we somehow become dependent
>> on a jdk 1.6 feature that jdk 1.5 won't work, but I don't know of any
>> issue like that on the horizon. A jdk 1.5 might be already available
>> on your system.
>> Using a boot of jdk 1.7 may have some risks, but should in general
>> work.
>> Note that the "binary plugs" are indeed full jdk 7 images right now,
>> but none of the files will have execute permissions.
> OK, so I had to
> chmod -R +x  /home/aph/openjdk/jdk1.7.0//bin
>> The binary plugs are distributed with a different license that allows
>> their use as 'binary plugs'. I'd probably keep the binary plugs
>> separate from the boot jdk, but that's just me.
>> Also the binary plugs will need to be updated every time you freshen
>> up your openjdk sources, the boot jdk is a pretty static thing.
> OK.
> Anyway, this works Just Fine.  It's only necessary for developers on
> GNU/Linux to download jdk-7-ea-plug-b12-linux-amd64-06_may_2007.jar
> and gcj is quite capable of
> running the self-extracting Jar file.
> Andrew.
> -- 
> Red Hat UK Ltd, Amberley Place, 107-111 Peascod Street, Windsor,  
> Berkshire, SL4 1TE, UK
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