Building OpenJDK on Fedora Core 6

Roger Abelenda rabelenda at
Tue Oct 16 13:13:29 UTC 2007

Ok, today i will try with b21 and i'll tell you.

2007/10/12, Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
> Without a complete log file it is extremely hard for me to diagnose arbitrary
> build issues.
> I can't replicate your environment, so the data from a 'gnumake sanity' and
> a list of all the settings that 'gmake' prints out is essential.
> -kto
> Roger Abelenda wrote:
> > hi again everyone. I tryied with the jdk6 for the bootstrap, and no
> > luck. I'll try downloading other version of the openjdk. I'm loosing
> > my hopes and ideas with this one :-(. je.
> >
> > 2007/10/11, Roger Abelenda <rabelenda at>:
> >> when i tried to make without specifying the ALT_MOTIF_DIR first it
> >> brings me an error saying that it cannot find the file libXm.a, then i
> >> run again the make (without doing anything) and it throws me the error
> >> that i told u in the first mail. It's like it doesn´t includes the
> >> libraries when it is linking, but i dont know what to do. I will try
> >> with JDK6, but in some posts I read mention thath it should work with
> >> jdk5, jd6 and jdk7.
> >>
> >> 2007/10/11, Roger Abelenda <rabelenda at>:
> >>> I get the sources form here :
> >>>
> >>> Are the last from that links. I set that env variable setting it in
> >>> the script that i mentioned before, and at the last of the script i
> >>> added de make command that i gave you. Thanks for the fast replys.
> >>>
> >>> 2007/10/11, Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
> >>>> I can't find any Makefile target anywhere with the name "includes".
> >>>> You may want to try and build this with C locale.
> >>>>
> >>>> Also, as of Build 21, I thought the motif dependence was removed, so how
> >>>> old are these sources and where did you get the sources?
> >>>>
> >>>> -kto
> >>>>
> >>>> Roger Abelenda wrote:
> >>>>> excuse me, i'll traduce it for u:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> "make[2]: *** There is no rule to make the target `includes'.  Stop.
> >>>>> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> >>>>> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> >>>>> /root/Desktop/openjdk/control/build/linux-i586/tmp/sun/sun.awt/motif21/obj/awt_AWTEvent.o:
> >>>>> In function `Java_java_awt_AWTEvent_nativeSetSource':
> >>>>> awt_AWTEvent.c:(.text+0x228): undefined reference to `XtIsObject'
> >>>>> awt_AWTEvent.c:(.text+0x23d): undefined reference to `XtWindowOfObject'
> >>>>> /root/Desktop/openjdk/control/build/linux-i586/tmp/sun/sun.awt/motif21/obj/awt_Button.o:
> >>>>> In function `Java_sun_awt_motif_MButtonPeer_setLabel':
> >>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0xff): undefined reference to `XtVaSetValues'
> >>>>> /root/Desktop/openjdk/control/build/linux-i586/tmp/sun/sun.awt/motif21/obj/awt_Button.o:
> >>>>> In function `Java_sun_awt_motif_MButtonPeer_create':
> >>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x338): undefined reference to `XtStrings'
> >>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x34c): undefined reference to `XtVaGetValues'
> >>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x3cd): undefined reference to `XtStrings'
> >>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x4b5): undefined reference to `XtVaCreateManagedWidget'
> >>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x562): undefined reference to `XtStrings'
> >>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x63c): undefined reference to `XtVaCreateManagedWidget'
> >>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x674): undefined reference to `XtSetMappedWhenManaged'
> >>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x69c): undefined reference to `XtAddCallback'
> >>>>> ...."
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 2007/10/11, Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
> >>>>>> It's spelled ALT_MOTIF_DIR.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'd need to see more of the log file to know what caused this failure.
> >>>>>> Did it complain about a missing include file at some point?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Also, I can only read English, sorry.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> -kto
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Roger Abelenda wrote:
> >>>>>>> Hi there, i'm trying to build de openjdk vm with the j2se packages. I
> >>>>>>> tried installing lesstif, openmotif and pointing de ALT_MOMTIF_DIR to
> >>>>>>> the correct path where this libraries were installed, and no success.
> >>>>>>> Even i tryied to make it with without specifing that variable to allow
> >>>>>>> the openjdk to make it own libraries, but it niether works. What I get
> >>>>>>> is the following:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> "make[2]: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo `includes'.  Alto.
> >>>>>>> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> >>>>>>> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> >>>>>>> /root/Desktop/openjdk/control/build/linux-i586/tmp/sun/sun.awt/motif21/obj/awt_AWTEvent.o:
> >>>>>>> In function `Java_java_awt_AWTEvent_nativeSetSource':
> >>>>>>> awt_AWTEvent.c:(.text+0x228): undefined reference to `XtIsObject'
> >>>>>>> awt_AWTEvent.c:(.text+0x23d): undefined reference to `XtWindowOfObject'
> >>>>>>> /root/Desktop/openjdk/control/build/linux-i586/tmp/sun/sun.awt/motif21/obj/awt_Button.o:
> >>>>>>> In function `Java_sun_awt_motif_MButtonPeer_setLabel':
> >>>>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0xff): undefined reference to `XtVaSetValues'
> >>>>>>> /root/Desktop/openjdk/control/build/linux-i586/tmp/sun/sun.awt/motif21/obj/awt_Button.o:
> >>>>>>> In function `Java_sun_awt_motif_MButtonPeer_create':
> >>>>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x338): undefined reference to `XtStrings'
> >>>>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x34c): undefined reference to `XtVaGetValues'
> >>>>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x3cd): undefined reference to `XtStrings'
> >>>>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x4b5): undefined reference to `XtVaCreateManagedWidget'
> >>>>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x562): undefined reference to `XtStrings'
> >>>>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x63c): undefined reference to `XtVaCreateManagedWidget'
> >>>>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x674): undefined reference to `XtSetMappedWhenManaged'
> >>>>>>> awt_Button.c:(.text+0x69c): undefined reference to `XtAddCallback'
> >>>>>>> ...."
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I'm trying to make it usign the following command:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> "make BUILD_DEPLOY=false BUILD_INSTALL=false BOOTDIR=/opt/jdk1.5.0_12
> >>>>>>> ALT_JDK_IMPORT=ALT_CLOSED_JDK_IMPORT_PATH=/opt/jdk1.5.0_12
> >>>>>>> ALT_CLOSED_JDK_IMPORT_PATH=/opt/jdk1.5.0_12"
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I also tryied modifying the file as says in
> >>>>>>> an older post. Has anyone an idea of what it could be? Or what can i
> >>>>>>> do to make it work?

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