build failure - IDL files?

Nicholas Riley njriley at
Tue Oct 30 10:09:52 UTC 2007

On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 05:01:29AM -0500, Nicholas Riley wrote:
> Hi,
> I successfully built an older OpenJDK version (SVN rev 249) but have
> been unable to build the current version (255) on the same system.

and by 255, I mean 256.

> It seems it's trying to copy from a partial build of the JDK, but I'm
> doing a full build of the JDK.  This is RHEL4U5, 32-bit x86.

and here, I mean "copy as part of a partial build", not from one.

Too late, sorry...

Nicholas Riley <njriley at> | <>

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