Makefile patch needed when building the b20 OpenJDK source drop

Ted Neward ted at
Mon Sep 24 06:40:27 UTC 2007

If they can't rest in the same repository, then perhaps a different

I'm just looking to be able to do a "svn up" (or its Mercurial equivalent)
and know that I've got everything I need to build the OpenJDK; it's a lot
more tedious to "svn up" then fetch the latest binary plugs (particularly
since I'm betting they're not going to change as frequently as the source
does), and only then do a build.

Ted Neward
Java, .NET, XML Services
Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim.Bell at Sun.COM [mailto:Tim.Bell at Sun.COM]
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 5:23 PM
> To: Ted Neward
> Cc: build-dev at
> Subject: Re: Makefile patch needed when building the b20 OpenJDK source
> drop
> Ted Neward wrote:
> > Here's potentially a dumb question: is there any chance of putting
> the
> > BinaryPlugs into the source repository? I pulled down b20, didn't
> check to
> > see if the binary plugs had changed and kicked off a build, and it
> failed
> > due to some changes in the binary plugs directory structure (AFAICT).
> The binary plugs are tightly coupled with the source tree for a given
> build.
> Mix-and-match probably won't work.
> > (1) Am I correct in thinking the binary plugs stuff changed around a
> touch,
> Very likely.  There were also some non-trivial build changes in b20.
> > (2) If that is the case, is there any chance of putting them into the
> > (or Mercurial) repository, so when I do a source refresh, I'll get
> the right
> > bits even as they're changing around?
> I'll ask about that.  The binary plugs .jar file is under a different
> license
> than what you get in the openjdk-7-ea-src-b*.zip file, so that could
> have something
> to do with the separation.
> Tim
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