WXP: small build anomaly

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Tue Apr 1 17:01:15 UTC 2008

It is not doing this on purpose. Has something to do with the
way Windows works.

Also, make sure you get the very latest changes in the repositories,
some work in this area has been done.


Francis ANDRE wrote:
> Hi
> When building first OpenJDK in product mode and then build it again in 
> debug mode, one gets a somewhat confusing anomaly:
> Z:\DEV\OpenJDK\build>dir /X
>  Le volume dans le lecteur Z s'appelle Developpement
>  Le numéro de série du volume est A0AB-7CB1
>  Répertoire de Z:\DEV\OpenJDK\build
> 01/04/2008  09:15    <REP>                       .
> 01/04/2008  09:15    <REP>                       ..
> 01/04/2008  09:15    <REP>          WINDOW~1     windows-i586
> 01/04/2008  09:17    <REP>          WINDOW~2     WINDOW~1-debug
>                0 fichier(s)                0 octets
> IMHO, it would be less confusing to create a 'windows-i586' directory 
> for the release mode and a 'windows-i586-debug' directory for the debug 
> mode to get something like
> 01/04/2008  09:15    <REP>          WINDOW~1     windows-i586
> 01/04/2008  09:17    <REP>          WINDOW~2     windows-i586-debug
> Francis

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